On Monday 10th of November the whole of St Patrick's School the last day of their Athletics Day and this is what my Recount is going to be based on. This is my Recount.
“I can’t believe it, it’s tug of war today” I said to myself. Today was the final day to know who won this year’s Athletics.
Each class from 1 - 8 gathered together in front of Room’s 4 and 5. We heard the teachers say “The first team competing first will be Kauri and Rata. Mostly everybody their were shouting and screaming “Let’s go kauri, let’s go” the rest were saying “Way to go Rata, way to go”. As soon as we heard the whistle, the two teams were pulling with all their might to win, Kauri pulled with all their might, Rata pulled with all their might but Kauri just kept pulling and pulling, and then we heard the whistle blow once more... “Kauri wins” everybody stood up cheering for joy. “Okay next up Totara and Rimu”. Once more everybody screamed from the top of their lungs. The whistle blew and the two teams pulled with all their might, first it’ll go left, then right, then left again and...... “Rimu Wins”. As soon as I heard the whistle blow I jumped up with excitement and started running around crazily.
Finally, I have settled down. “Now, we have Totara and Rata’s turn to make sure of 3rd and 4th”. Everybody leaping up one by one shouting out “Go Rata, no Go Totara” it felt like I was stuck in the middle, I didn’t know who to cheer for. The whistle blew as the two teams started pulling for a 3rd place. Everybody else was screaming “Come on Rata, Come on Totara” I didn’t know who to cheer for so I cheered for both teams like the others. I can hear my friends screaming Go Rata, Go Rata. Rata pulled and pulled but then the whistle blew and they became 4th.
After all the screaming and shouting everybody gathered in front of Room 5 and 4 to announce the winners of this years Athletics day. Darrelle, Agnes and I packed up the equipment from the field and took them to where they belong. As we were coming out we heard shouting and we thought Rimu came 3rd but We came 4th. We heard Mrs Bullot announce first place, “Now coming in first place........... TOTARA!! Everybody stood up with excitement (especially Totara) screaming for joy and clapping, I think I saw Soana run up to Destiny to pick her up and spin her around like crazy. I was a little bit down that we came 4th but at the same time I had fun and I can’t wait for 2015.
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