
Saturday, 22 June 2013

My Fantastic paragraph about Chromebooks

We are learning to how to write a report using paragraphs. This is my paragraph about my Chromebook. I know that I have learned this lesson when I check my paragraph using the Marking my paragraph document, read it out loud, check with a buddy and check with Mrs Richardson.

In Room 5 we use Chromebooks instead of using our books. Ever since Room 5 has had their Chromebooks everything has changed for us. Every Thursday Room 5 has a really special guest in our class and her name is Mrs. Grant  she is the #1 person that teaches us what we can learn on our Chromebooks she can even teach our teacher new things too. One of the things she showed us was a website that is called We Video, It is a website that you can create new videos and songs . Did you know we have our own blogs to post our own learning? Room 5 learned some shortcuts like Ctrl-x is to cut instead of backspacing it and she even showed us how to take snapshots. Chromebooks are fun.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Creation Time - Synonym Wheel

We are learning to create a synonym wheel using our boring word and change it into an exciting word. I know that I can change my boring words into exciting words when I use ancient and elderly instead of "old" This is my Synonym wheel.

Prayer of Thanks

We are learning write a prayer of healing for the people in the Anointing of the sick. The sacraments for healing are Penance and Anointing of the sick. I know that I am ready to share my prayer when I use the TRAP word (Thank You, Reflect, Ask, and promised to change), used Ambitious Vocabulary, checked with a buddy and showed Mrs Richardson. This is my prayer of healing.

Healing and Caring  God,

Thank you for helping Nelson Mandela. I pray that you may be with him at all times, please bless him because he has done many great things in South Africa and promise that when he falls asleep he may come up peacefully up to you. Please care for his family because they are having a hard time without their Father, Brother or Uncle. Please heal his body so he can get out of hospital and be with his family again.
I also ask for your forgiveness that I am truly sorry for sometimes being a bad person. Please help me to be a considerate person to other people and also let me walk in the right path.  


1:00 minute to type

I am learning to type as fast a I can and beat Mrs Richardson's score of 48 words per minute. This is my score of 43. I can improve on typing faster and beat  Mrs Richardson's score!.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Paralyzed Man Before and After he was healed

WALT: Find Readings in the bible about how Jesus healed people in mind,body,soul. The first thing Room 5 did was get into groups then our teacher Mrs Richardson gave each group a scripture and we had to read it and explain what it was about. The very next day we went on a document that  Mrs Richardson created and made a copy to save on our R.E folder. Then when we were done we we had to create a picture of one of the scriptures between Mark and Luke I chose Mark and this is my Picture of the Paralyzed man Before and After.