
Thursday, 11 April 2013

Positive Digital Footprint

We have been learning how to create a digital footprint.We have been keeping a record on our history page to show us what we have been learning from Thursday-Friday the 4-5th of April at 9:15.This is a picture of what I have been on from 9:15 on Thursday to 9:15 on Friday.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013


The Germination of a plant

We are learning about Germination.The word germination means the process or the beginning of a plant.The lifespan of a plant starts with a seed coat that breaks into a radicle(first root) and that radicle goes down to find food and water.Then the first shoot known as the plumule goes up to get the sunlights warmth/light.Then leaves and roots start to grow.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Welcome My Lord

We have been learning about Passion Sunday. This is my Holy Week-Palm Sunday News Paper. It is a news paper that shows us how Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem.

Friday, 5 April 2013

My Dojo Reflection

This is a Class Dojo. A class dojo is about when you reflect on your behavior and how you will try to do you  best. Mrs Richardson has created each one for us and this is mine.As you can see I have been fantastic at Managing Self, relating to others, participating and contributing and thinking. My total of my dojo is 15 altogether.I am really proud of myself for achieving my point and not getting any negative points.